Dravis Group LLC, Consultant
Mr. Dravis's approach to Cleantech is a good one: look for supporting industries that have less technological risk than the high profile start-ups. He currently likes Cosan (CZZ), SQM (SQM), General Cable (BGC), and Power-One (PWER) almost all of which I've had good things to say about in the past, for similar reasons (see here, here, and here). The only one I have not talked about is SQM, which is not green enough for my taste (admittedly a fairly high bar.) That said, I was more impressed by his feel for market timing than his industry knowledge, so much so that I asked him to send me his weekly newsletter, the Dravis Wealth Advisor, which he does not charge for. If you're interested in giving his newsletter a try, send him an email at p a u l at d r a v i s dot n e t. Like me, he's currently quite bearish, so don't rush out to buy his picks unless you're also prepared to hedge them.